Wednesday, May 13, 2009


In a recent post that i wrote called "Oooo Weee Oooo! Edgar Cayce Sez Credit Where Credit Is Due" i yucked about sites that see somebody else's post and then they steal it and then repost as if they thunk it themselves. Well, hell, i been watching some of this more closely. Put aside them robots. Me, thinks it's the rumor sites that are doing most of it. Don't believe me, eh? Go back and read that post. The guy that i mentioned in that ther post be from a rumor site. Ask yerself why he would even wanna know if it's him? Ask yer therapist about this the next time you go to Shrinksville. You'll be told good. YOu'll be told it's Freudian. (And, it's kinda anal, too.) And, i notiCed it almost Every night since that there post. I think they be grabbing. And, it's got me gassing.

Abusing the RSS Stream

I love RSS. Don't it mean somethin' like really simple stupid? If ya used it ya might love it. But there's a kind in it. People like to run their posts over and over and over and over. 

I've kinda already mentioned RSS abuse. But, this has gone on long enough. For NoW, I'm gonna' mention some of those who like to aBuse the sYstem. They just post and post and post them same old crapola like we can't read it the first time. Ok, a second time can skirt by. But, dayam,  after that give US a rest!!!!! and, they can kiss my Glass!

From the growing list are, and in no particular order here are those I DeeM Offensive to the passages of the Nose. They are Gaseous! They need a life of somekind! Otherwise, they wouldn't run this over and over and over and over!

(Checkum back here for updates and additions to this here list, fool!)

Ken Rockwell
Steve's Digicams
Georg Nyman

While I B on a ROLL I been thinkin' of listin' those websites that splogg and scrape. Some of them there sites are truly offensive, 'specially those rumorized locales. Who knows? I may be going after sum of those lawyers in love and their sorry torts.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Those Greedy CEOs and the Real World

This mornin' I read where those greedy bastards at VErizon gave their execs all the moohlah that they could muster. Why? Because it would have been embarASSing to the company. And, it isn't embarASSing that those greedy bastards are getting that much money? What is wrong with this picture? Who are the Idiots here? We are!!! This has gone on long enuff. Let's toss those SOBs out on their heads and make them really work for a livin'. Ya wanna read this puke? It's Here

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Review of Those Pretending to Read the Book

Alreet, it's Mama's Day. Called me Mother to see about taking her out to dinner. After that I tossed myself on the sofa for a little readin' and relaxation. Here I am chillin with the remainder of a beer from last night, some stale chips, and my laptop. While surfin' I came across this a review of a book written on Photoshop CS4. In this reviewer's 520 words it twere not necessitatively a glorifyin' look at this book. But, I hungered more. So I swung over to This here thing has about 400 pages and it's already gotten 21 reviews that account for 4 starz. Max is 5 big uns. Words like useful, teriffic, excellent, sophisticated, mislabeled and not up to par were used to describe it. Perusin' the reviews it dawned on me that that site I furst visited probably didn't read it. I also think that this particlar site probably read and put it together. Not much else. And, that's what brings us all down to this here point. This reviewer says that if you consider yourself an advanced users then you should walk your eyes over there and see if there's anything of benefit to ya. Like, isn't that what a review is about? Tell me something specific about the book. (This also applies to those slinkinisky camera reviews.) Tell me if I should buy it one way or the other! It gets to the boiling point where some sites are so desperado for hits that they'll write anything to snake ya in. But whut I got wuz a humoninmaximo case of gas. It's so bad I ain't even heard the fat man sing.

In a future post watch me write about those with the biggamous egos often have the minsculest knowledges...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oooo Weee Oooo! Edgar Cayce Sez Credit Where Credit Is Due

Since this 1001NC site gave me some attentioné I did the RSS thingie. So, everytime 1001 posts something I get a "zingZing." It seems oBvious that some of those other site people have been stealing his thoughts and links and pRetending that they thunk of it 1st. Like they're even capable of thinking by themselves. (oK that's anudder story.) All 1001 asks is that he get credit. That's fair thee well in my bucht - book. (Of course it could be one of those psychical type 'o' things. Do you hear the voices of Edgar Cayce or Costra Nostradamus?) 

Here's where it gets strangeR. 1001 posts this thing around 10:45 p my time. About 10-15 minutes in the future some guy uplinks a comment: "It's not me, is it? Let me know." This is where I'm gonna spectulactate. But, isn't that some Freudian type 'o' thingus? Why would anyone post anything about this unless...tick TOCK?! oK, i'LL give this poster yeeheehee a question of no doubt. Ze bottom Line is for all morons to give credit. illegal brain activity uses more wattage than jes' being honest. Don't think Gaseopotamia! Instead, Go Green! 

It's Raw and NOT RAW!

One thingie that digs into my thong is the Raw vs RAW issue. BRethRen, get it Right! It's "Raw." T'ain't no acRonym foR anything. Iffin you don't believe me take a look at some of the qualitativio publications and sites like those fRom Peachpit. I looked in my Adobe book this moRning and when they talk about Adobe CameRa Raw they spell it with one capital letteR, "R." Git it Rat! It's Raw like Raw wRestlin', Raw potateRs, Raw p'nuts, Raw files. In anotheR dimensionalized miRRoRized woRld that would be "waR." Pass me the Glass cause I got Gas!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Best Cameras of Summer? Yeah, Not!

My fellow workers asked me to stay home and work today. T'ain't been feelin' 2 good myself. Instead of work I've been reading a few online photo oddz and endz. One of them is called "The Best Camera for Summer 2009 Photography." It was online at that Geek site. Ok, well, I thought that this might be a good 'un to read. But, it turned out to be what's wrong with several of these review sites. For xmple, it's got a Superzoomzoom category. But, there's no mention of Olympus. None of Kodak. No Samsung. Am I zoomin' in for clarity here? So, it is incomplete. The next section ia "Premium Compacts." Damn, forgot the Fuji F200EXR, the Leica D-Lux 4, no Ricoh CX1, Sigma DP2, and so on. It's incomplete 2. The 3rd cat is "DSLRs." Mentioned are 2 Nikon, 1 Canon, and 1 Panasonic. All the other good'uns got left out. So, here's whut I think. Bet them guys didn't shoot a frame of any of these cameras and they pretended, making some lucky guesses. If you're gonna write about 'em you better know your stuff and stay out of the fluff! I am so nauseoximated!

Passing The Glass Gets a Mention

Who the heck be this 1001 Noisy Cameras? I like 'em. They gave me a mention in this here post! HERE! 1001NC said i can be joan Collins of the Photo-Blogo-Sphere! That means I got PBS, for short. Now, that's as smooth as a cold beer! I'm almost friggin' famous like Amos!

Dirty Tricks of the Photosphere

Man, oh, Woman! Photography used ta be so respeckted. BUt, once you get those blogger heads involved it can turn durty. Just this morning I was talking 2 a photo blogger. I asked him how he be doing. He said he was fine but that the scrappers, sploggers, and cloners were doin' their usual damage. So, i took it upon myself to ask what they be doin'. Here's his list. (I am feeling celebratorious since it is Cinco de Mayo. I will use some Spanish.):

Uno. Sites swarm in and steal your links and content. Then post 'em on their sites as if they discovered them. (I looked at some of these sites. Ya got be an idiot to believe that they could come up with these links.)

Dos. Aint' gonna name names but many of 'em reset their server clocks to an inaccurate time. So, if Site A posts something at 9 am and Site B goes "yummy" and steals the link and reposts it with their server set to 8am -when it's actually 9- idiots believe that Site B is smarter. You u b one of these gullible readers my advice to you is to go get a brain.

Tres. Some of these sites actually steal unique content without ever givn' credit where credit is due. Yes, they copy the info word 4 word and repost it without ever givin' away their sources. Steal, steal, steal. 

I smell something rank. In da race for numbers and hits and all that web site jargonese people do stupidous things. I'd love to name names and letters. But, you'd take it with a grain of beer and think it was all rumorous. Don't encourage them. Avoid their sites. Put 'em outta bizness. 

Nobody said it was pretty. But, these be pretty rank. And, it has given me gas.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thanks for the Notice

At something like 5:45 pm I saw that there was an online chat about some Prez Obama photos. Yeah, it like was scheduled at 6:30 Centroool Time. I might a catched it. But, since there was no real warning it kinda shows you just how uninterested anyone wuz at getting the Word Out! Maybe they wuz afraid that it wouldn't be pretty. Took Gas-X and had dinner instead watching the Comedy Channel.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

iSnort for your iPhone

Dah Dum. This one made us laff. And, it's not aDICKtive. So, if you're a coke head photographer that prefers shooting up with a phone this might be your best shot at rehab.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Holding an Event! Man, Hold the Gas!

Jes the other day I hounded on this very particular web site for publishing a list of Top 10 cameras. When it came to Numbero 2 it was blank. Like I need a psykik. NOw, we start out with May 1. This same site. The Online Photographer, is holding an event. But, guess whut? We're told there will be an unspecified entry fee. Yaada, Kadaada, Putaata. Then, we get to the "Event." He must think we're psykik or something because he assumes we can deal with the fact that it will have a name, jes not yet. (Ok, it's a PRETEND EVENT.) But, there's more! There will be top prizes although not specified "exactly." (Now, it's a PRETEND EVENT with IMAGINARY PRIZES.) I could rant on and on. I have name for ya. It's the MoFo Event! That's gotta be funner than this imaginary thingie that gives me gas.

Social Networks Suck Wind - Get a Life

If your life was a hard drive youda run outta space long ago with all your twitties and twatties. Youda filled it with those god-awful overrated pix on your Facelessbook. I do not give a crap about what you had for breakfast or what the overexposed photo of the squirrel in the yard looked like before he got run over. I could care less what you read this morning that you feel that you should share with other retards. I do not want to be your Friend. Get a real life! Find someone else who finds  your boring snaps and dribblicious diatribe witty. And, go get me some Gas-X.