Since this 1001NC site gave me some attentioné I did the RSS thingie. So, everytime 1001 posts something I get a "zingZing." It seems oBvious that some of those other site people have been stealing his thoughts and links and pRetending that they thunk of it 1st. Like they're even capable of thinking by themselves. (oK that's anudder story.) All 1001 asks is that he get credit. That's fair thee well in my bucht - book. (Of course it could be one of those psychical type 'o' things. Do you hear the voices of Edgar Cayce or Costra Nostradamus?)
Here's where it gets strangeR. 1001 posts this thing around 10:45 p my time. About 10-15 minutes in the future some guy uplinks a comment: "It's not me, is it? Let me know." This is where I'm gonna spectulactate. But, isn't that some Freudian type 'o' thingus? Why would anyone post anything about this unless...tick TOCK?! oK, i'LL give this poster yeeheehee a question of no doubt. Ze bottom Line is for all morons to give credit. illegal brain activity uses more wattage than jes' being honest. Don't think Gaseopotamia! Instead, Go Green!
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