Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Maybe In September There Will Be a Leica XI Digital Something Kind of Camera

Surfing around tonight there was this post and this post that said that there might be some new Leica cameras. The word "Leica" is kinda "leica" liking something, don't you think? Leicas were once the staple for real photojournalists. Then, the damn doctors and dentists discovered them. Can you imagine them doing a physical and thinking, "If I poke here and there I've already got a Summilux lens. And, if I do some scope work I can pay for that M!"? Now, it really really really seems that a full frame M9 is going to happen in September. There are a coupla things that bother me about it. Probably will have a Kodak sensor in it. And, bet it doesn't have autofocus or any of the neat bells and whistles that you find on those inexpensive DSLR cams. And, it will cost a the same as a gall bladder operation. But, then, at least there will be a full frame and those Leicaphiles can finally shut up with all their moaning that they didn't have the big sensor. There's more. Pix are surfacing that there could be something else in store named an "X1". Ok, that's a stoopid name. And, what's worse is the pictures that are floating around show something that looks like it was smelted in of the same warehouse that the old movie Metropolis was made. Gawd, I wouldn't want to walk around with it. People that do will look so ego-maniacal, at least in my double humble opine. You can't take a camera that looks like that and think it's a serious cam cam. It's like the Hummer that people drive thinking they look cool when they look stoopid. You always look at them and think that they paid manure loads of cash and couda had a Honda that gets 3-4 times the mileage. Let's hope the X1 photos are a joke that's on us rather than around us. On the flip side of that rubber grip story is the S2. That's one serious babette, I'm telling ya. I kinda leica it.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Archival Don't Matter Now

What does "archival" really mean? Photographers still talk about it. Products still get certified in it. But, it t'ain't an issue now. If I could live a coupla hundred years it might. Now, it just don't matter. Everybody knows that just about anything tossed in a drawer will last forever and ever and forever. My neighbor said his children don't care about paper prints. All they want are the digital ones. Doing a search on Google it seems there are only a couple of places that actually do the real archival testing. One is in the freezin' cold land of Kodak New York while the other is in some hole-in-the-wall Iowa. I'd be willing to bet that Archival is now a dead issue. Wouldn't we be better off making the quality of our images better ? Don't that mean you need to be a better photographer first and then get better cameras? The trend is that archival prints don't matter any more.

P.Ssssss: When you look at the prints produced by almost any ink printer today they all look a heck of goodum. If you must print then it's probably up to your wallet to decide how and with what output device.

Monday, July 27, 2009

When A Photo Blogger Scratches His Ass

Something struck me as odd today. It's one or two bloggers who post content that has already been to the moon and back (in memory of Apollo 11). There's this John Lack as in Lacking, guy who I've complained about before. In his post today he just reruns content. Doesn't he have something better to do like improve Photoshop so that Lightroom doesn't eat its lunch? So, I just had to scratch my ass in bewilderment.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More Diatribe from the Sigma DP2 Fogeys

Some people wants to squeeze as much blood out of a turnip as possible. The old guy continues with the poor old Sigma DP2 with what I've determined to be cheap banter and watered whiskey. What amazes me is that you'd think this guy belongs on Wall Street. But, far from it. There's talk of which company(s) has money and which needs refinements in electronics. Those two statements right there should tell ya those are words from someone who ain't in the know. What is it? Even my computer screen can't hide a red neck? Maybe this one shoulda stuck to building cars and inhaling car fumes and should never confuse economics, guts, mileage and fortitude with unleaded. Let me pass on the Geritol and Centrum Silver and go straight for the aged Jack D. to wash it down.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh, That Sigma DP2 Review

Well, I got a chuckle today. Over at this one website which I will call the "The Offline Photographer" there was a review on the Sigma DP2. This is the website that I've referred to as the place I'd go if I wanted to live my life over and over in a wheelchair. It's not so much the review as it is the comments from people who clearly have never even looked at the DP2. I wouldn't say its a great camera by any means. But, the comments are little too much Jim Jones and Guyana for me. And, with that I take it with a grain of salt and not with a pitcher of Kool-Aid.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Those Rumor Sites - Screw You!

That's my message to all those ridiculous rumor mill blogs and sites that are popping up like daisies or weeds. There's one for Canon, Nikon, Marijuana, Cocaine, and bathroom buddies. The camera companies started this. And, now these rumor sites are making up stories just to keep their sites alive. And, the manufacturers are feeding it to keep attention on their products. Well, why don't you make superior products and quite wasting your time feeding rumors? If you make it they will come! So, to all those rumor people I say "Screw You!" I tell you don't support 'em and don't visit 'em. I got better things to do. Life is reality and yo ain't nothing but Blood Sucking Ho's.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Blogs That Make Me Go Oooga Oooga - Part One

I've been away dealing with family issues. But, I'm baaack! I did get some email telling me to tone down the cutesy stuff. So, I'll try to do this. Today I want to write about blogs that just make me want to vomit or at least swirl green slime in my mouth. When I read 'em I wonder who the heck gets anything out of them? And, if people do then what does that say about the level of intelligence? These people who pretend to enjoy these must have an IQ of "Tard."

But, here is a list of blogs that I personally think are mostly a waste of time. And, then, there are some that I've noted that are hit and miss. They are in no special order. I hope I didn't use too many BIG words for you that fall in the Moronite class.

John Nack on Adobe. This blog is a snoozer. Most of the time his stuff is old recycled yesterday stuff. I've heard from some outsiders that they think this guy needs to go get a real job and let Photoshop evolve on its on. Sounds like fans are stuck on needing a Lasso. Yuck.

Photofocus. It uses to be called TWIP although it sounds like TWIT/TWAT to me. This blog is so bad. It usually has typos and you can't comment on any of 'em. It's full of short nothingness. Waste.

DPS. Ok, sometimes it's good. I have to give the site credit for putting out so much content. it's a hit and miss kind of thing. But, let's play nice and let it slide.

Epic Edits. Sounds kinda interesting. But, it's an amateur wannabe whose veneer shows through pro jargon. Given another year this could be decent and deserving. For now...Nah!

Terry White. Maybe 20% of the time something good comes out of this. Mostly, it get the feeling someone has the "I gotta write something so people will think I am somebody" syndrome. (Couldn't that be a Chorus Line on Broadway?) At least he got outta Detroit. Huh?

John Paul Caponigro. I hear he's sharpola. But, his website posts are full of shameless self-promotion of crap he carries in his online store. Forget the store. Show us what ya got. (Just as I was writing this there appears to be a little life in his site. The content is a bit stale but he's still on the list until he proves otherwise.)

TOP. What's is that like Top 'O' the World, Ma? It's a balance 'o' 10% goodness and 90% dying film guys. If I wanted to live my life over and over without moving forward this would be an ideal place to hang my wheelchair.

Remember, this is just my opinionatiousness.