Sunday, August 9, 2009

Archival Don't Matter Now

What does "archival" really mean? Photographers still talk about it. Products still get certified in it. But, it t'ain't an issue now. If I could live a coupla hundred years it might. Now, it just don't matter. Everybody knows that just about anything tossed in a drawer will last forever and ever and forever. My neighbor said his children don't care about paper prints. All they want are the digital ones. Doing a search on Google it seems there are only a couple of places that actually do the real archival testing. One is in the freezin' cold land of Kodak New York while the other is in some hole-in-the-wall Iowa. I'd be willing to bet that Archival is now a dead issue. Wouldn't we be better off making the quality of our images better ? Don't that mean you need to be a better photographer first and then get better cameras? The trend is that archival prints don't matter any more.

P.Ssssss: When you look at the prints produced by almost any ink printer today they all look a heck of goodum. If you must print then it's probably up to your wallet to decide how and with what output device.